
Burrascano, S., Chianucci, F., Trentanovi, G., Kepfer-Rojas, S., Sitzia, T., Tinya, F., … & Ódor, P. (2023). Where are we now with European forest multi-taxon biodiversity and where can we head to?. Biological Conservation284, 110176. link

Tinya, F., Doerfler, I., de Groot, M., Heilman-Clausen, J., Kovács, B., Mårell, A., … & Ódor, P. (2023). A synthesis of multi-taxa management experiments to guide forest biodiversity conservation in Europe. Global Ecology and Conservation, e02553. link

Haesen et al. 2023: ForestClim – Bioclimatic variables for microclimate temperatures of European forests. Global Change Biology, link

Lembrechts J. J. et al. 2022: Global maps of soil temperature. Global Change Biology 28: 3110-3144 link

Haesen S. et al. 2021: ForestTemp – sub-canopy microclimate temperatures of European forests, Global Change Biology 27: 6307–6319, link 

Lembrechts J. J. et al. 2020: SoilTemp: a global database of near‐surface temperature, Global Change Biology 26: 6616-6629, link


Discussion in Slovak Television, topic Forest ecosystems in Slovakia link

Talk at Czech Botanical Society, topic:

Experimental restoration of diversity and species composition of oak forests in the Western Carpatians link

Conference talks